Killer Phrases

Which ones hold back your continuous improvements?

  1. A good idea, but…
  2. Against company policy
  3. All right in theory
  4. Can’t do it in a cGMP area
  5. Costs too much
  6. Don’t start anything yet
  7. It needs more study
  8. It’s not budgeted
  9. It’s not good enough
  10. it’s not part of your job
  11. Let’s make a survey first
  12. Let’s sit on it for a while
  13. That’s not our problem
  14. That needs a change control
  15. The boss won’t go for it
  16. It might introduce risk
  17. The old timers won’t use it
  18. Too hard to administer
  19. We have done it this way for a long time & it works
  20. If it was good, it would have been done before
  21. Ahead of the times
  22. Let’s discuss it
  23. Let’s form a committee
  24. We’ve never done it that way
  25. Who else has tried it?
  26. We’re on the target, why do have to do better?
  27. The needs to go to governance
  28. We’ll have to socialize it
  29. We don’t have the resources
  30. That will require an SOP change
  31. That’s not validated
  32. We don’t have that bandwidth
  33. I don’t have permission
  34. I asumed someone else took care of it.

“We already know that making an improvement can be challenging so don’t tell me all the challenges. Instead, tell me the solutions! – What must be do to make this improvement?”